


Tools & Downloads

Requirement verification

Explore detailed information about the Requirement verification step of the innovation circle. Discover short articles, relevant websites, and downloadable hand-outs. Click the heart icon to save these components to your personal page.

Webinar 'Collaborations, NDAs and confidentiality'

In the webinar ‘Collaborations, NDAs and confidentiality’ patent attorney Henri van Kalkeren and attorney-at-law Annelies de Bosch Kemper explain how to work together on your innovation in a safe and responsible way.

Open Diagnostics Application

Ready to join the Open Diagnostics Ecosystem? Then apply your project at the Open Diagnostics Ecosystem. Together we will turn the Northern Netherlands into a global expert in the development of diagnostics. On this page you will find an overview for submitting an application for the Open Diagnostics Ecosystem with all the relevant documents.