
Everything you always wanted to know about HTRIC – the Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster.
Frequently asked Questions answered by the HTRIC team
Who are the founders of HTRIC?
HTRIC was founded in the North of The Netherlands in 2021, by the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Groningen (RUG), the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences and the Life Cooperative.
What is the purpose of HTRIC?
HTRIC stands for Health Technology Research and Innovation Cluster. The purpose is to establish and strengthen an ecosystem that facilitates bringing medical innovation to the enduser: the physician and the patient
What can HTRIC do for me?
- Give you access to the network
- Help you with finding the right contact to bring your idea or innovation further
- Inspire you with Innovation Boosters and other events
Can I propose a subject for an Innovation Booster?
Yes, you can!
Contact and indicate the subject title and potential speakers. Also think about the audience for the event.
I am interested in doing a graduation project or a PhD in Medical Technology?
Contact Indicate your faculty, your level and the kind of subject you are interested in. We may be able to help you find something.
I want to start a new MedTech venture, how should I begin?
Contact HTRIC at and we will help you to find your way in the start up ecosystem in the North of The Netherlands.
I have questions on MDR, who can help me?
You can approach HTRIC at We can answer some of the questions immediately, otherwise we will probably connect you to an expert at the UMCG or at one of the affiliated companies.
I have a new idea or concept. How can I arrange a patent?
If you work at the University you can go to the Business Generator Groningen. They can help you assess newness/uniqueness of your idea, help you write the patent and support you financially.
I have a new idea or concept, can you help me assess if it is market ready?
HTRIC can help you with finding the way of assessing the market potential. We may involve other parties in the ecosystem like the Business Generator, Venturelab North or the connected business developers or others.
I have an idea or a concept. I think it may be marketable, When should I involve HTRIC?
You may connect to HTRIC at at any time. We will help you to connect to relevant parties in the
I am looking for a company for the further development of my idea or concept to an application that can be brought to the market. Is there a list of companies I can approach?
The best way is to approach HTRIC or one of the business developers. An idea or concept can have value, so you have to think about who owns the Intellectual property first and if an NDA needs to be arranged. Then we can also help you think about which companies would be most suitable, in or outside HTRIC.
I am looking for specialized support on MBO or HBO level to help me develop my concept. Can HTRIC help with contacting the education institutes?
HTRIC is connected to most education institutes in the North of the Netherlands, we can help you find your way.
I work in a clinic and I have a technical question, who can help me?
If you work at the UMCG, there is a group of technical medical professionals that you can approach. You can find them HERE. In most hospitals there is a technical department. If you can’t find your contact, you may always approach HTRIC and we will help you find the answer.
I am a doctor or a doctor in training or a healthcare PhD candidate. I would like to work with a technical expert on my idea or concept. How do I proceed?
You can approach HTRIC at We will try to find the best suitable person at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the RUG, or in one of the universities of applied sciences, or in one of the companies that are linked to HTRIC.