


Technologie & Zorg Academie Groningen

This photo is from the organization's website.

The Technology & Care Academy Groningen (TZA) guides in raising awareness, acceptance, and adoption of healthcare technology in practice.

TZA Groningen plays an integral role in increasing awareness and facilitating the adoption of healthcare technology in practical settings. As an innovative learning and testing center, TZA represents a collaboration between healthcare entrepreneurs, government bodies, and educational institutions. It provides a platform for professionals, manufacturers, and students to explore and practice with state-of-the-art healthcare innovations aimed at enhancing independence and self-sufficiency at home, including e-health, home automation, and remote healthcare. Within TZA, individuals can gain hands-on experience, conduct testing, and develop skills for working with healthcare technology. Together, HTRIC and TZA are actively advancing and integrating healthcare technology solutions to benefit patients and enhance healthcare outcomes.

Would you like to contact us directly?

  • For daily matters and general questions about TZA Groningen. Bernice is happy to help you!
  • For all questions about the TZA Groningen Academy. Willeke will help you!
  • For all questions about the Living Lab of TZA Groningen. Thijs knows what to do!
  • Lieke is involved in (practical) research and innovation issues at

Technologie & Zorg Academie Groningen

Industrieweg 1
9402 NP


Willeke Hoiting

Activities in which the organization is active and/or adds value
