


Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden

This photo is from the organization's website.

Innovation is part of our daily practice

When considering innovation, our minds point towards technological advancements or visually appealing final products. In the MCL, we have developed operation tools that not only diminish the time spent in surgery and minimize operative waste but also mitigate the potential complications for the patient when compared to manual procedures.

What can we offer?

As a large medical centre we house years of experience in healthcare. The innovation climate within the MCL has greatly improved as it is one of the MCL’s strategic priorities for the coming years. We therefore make a great sparring partner when talking about applying innovations in the field.  This way we hope to contribute to an inspiring healthcare ecosystem. Next to this financial support is available to develop good ideas.

Medisch Centrum Leeuwarden

Henri Dunantweg 2
8934 AD


Christiaan Boerma

Activities in which the organization is active and/or adds value
