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Financiële Wegwijzer

De bekostiging van het gehele innovatieproces kan complex zijn in de zorg. Voor een helder overzicht heeft Zorgvoorinnoveren het aantal subsidies of regelingen die bekend zijn, en waarvan zij denken dat die voor jou als zorginnovator relevant kunnen zijn op een rijtje gezet.

De financiele wegwijzer vind je hier

Overview investment routes

There are many ways to fund your research or your startup activities. The NOM has an overview of starup funding possibilities:  Click here for the overview



You can find subsidy opportunities on local, regional, national and European level here at


Click here to go to the website


This website is powered by SNN and only available in Dutch.

UMCG's Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Allowance

The UMCG’s Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Allowance program aims to encourage researchers and companies to collaborate in research and development projects, and is bestowed upon the UMCG by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Health~Holland on an annual basis. Within the UMCG, it is coordinated by the UMCG Innovation Center through the PPP Allowance Program. The allowance can be applied to extend the goals of a joint project by adding experiments, personnel and/or consumables that can strengthen the success of the project and contribute to establish a long-term partnership with the company partner(s).


Project eligibility

  1. The main applicant must be a UMCG researcher.
  2. The research aligns with UMCG’s overarching theme of Healthy Ageing and fits the strategies of UMCG’s institutes and research programs.
  3. The project covers fundamental research, industrial research, or experimental development, where pre-clinical and clinical research phases I and II are included.
  4. The project has a maximum duration of 4 years;

Click here for more info

Webinar 'Valuation, licensing and sales'

In the webinar ‘Valuation, licensing and sales’, attorney-at-law Annelies de Bosch Kemper and patent attorney Martin Klok provide insight into what is involved in determining the value of your intellectual property.