


Investeringsfonds Groningen

This photo is from the organization's website.

Together we promote growth in Groningen

Investeringsfonds Groningen (Groningen Investment Fund, IFG) invests in investment funds that invest their capital in small and medium-sized businesses in the province of Groningen. Based on this Fund-in-Fund principle, two types of return are sought: financial return and social return.
As an entrepreneur, you want to grab opportunities that present themselves. Every new opportunity fuels the drive that is in your entrepreneurial blood. Perhaps you are working on an innovative development and looking for venture capital to realise it. Perhaps you are looking for a partner to work with. Or perhaps you are an entrepreneur who wants to invest in a company in Groningen. We will be pleased to explain what Investeringsfonds Groningen (IFG) can mean for you.

Are you looking for financing?

IFG’s portfolio funds each invest in specific companies. Are you an entrepreneur looking for financing by a professional party and are you curious whether one of our companies will suit you? View the fund overview.

Groningen Investeringsfonds

Paterswoldseweg 810
9728 BM


Jan Martin Timmer
050 521 44 44

Activities in which the organization is active and/or adds value
