


Founded in Friesland

This photo is from the organization's website.

For startups en scale-ups

We are here for entrepreneurial talent, startups and scaleups. Together we’re building a sustainable future. We offer support from start to growth. With high-quality startup programmes, we provide knowledge, inspiration and connections with the right partners.

Our approach
Friesland needs talent, startups and scaleups who see opportunities and seize them. People who dare to innovate, work together and look beyond borders. An integrated programme is essential for those startups.We take an integrated approach that starts before companies are born. An inspiring and educational programme to support startups and scaleups in their exponential growth.We are here for entrepreneurial talent, startups and scaleups. Together we’re building a sustainable future. We offer support from start to growth. With high-quality startup programmes, we provide knowledge, inspiration and connections with the right partners.

Founded in Friesland

Turfmarkt 11
8911 KS


Jornt de Boer
058 201 0 202

Activities in which the organization is active and/or adds value
