


Tools & Downloads

Clinical evaluation

Explore detailed information about the Clinical evaluation step of the innovation circle. Discover short articles, relevant websites, and downloadable hand-outs. Click the heart icon to save these components to your personal page.

Ethical Committee Finder

This convenient tool can help you find a suitable committee or other organization to review your clinical trial application in the Netherlands.

Innovation for UMCG researchers

The UMCG Innovation Center has experts that can help you assess what you need to do as next stept in a clinical study. For questions about quality and safety (compliance, definition, processes, tests, templates) you can contact the experts medical devices. For advise how to implement the MDR in your innovation contactIlona Brouwer (innovation consultant). And contact Jelmer Sjollema (expert member of METc) for questions relating the clinical study review.  Do you a question related to innovating healthcare? Contact the Innovation Center via email. Please provide the following information when contacting them (Name, Function, Department, Organisation, Contact details, short description of your initiative & help request).

METc UMC Groningen

For every submission we request you send the documentation (download here) as separate PDF files on a CD Rom or USB drive. When it is a medical research with human subjects the files should be named and listed according to the Standard research file, as described by the CCMO (you can find it here).

Baat Medical Startup Brochure