



This photo is from the organization's website.

Facilitate development and access to medicines

The mission of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is to foster scientific excellence in the evaluation and supervision of medicines, for the benefit of public and animal health in the European Union (EU).

What does the EMA do?

EMA is committed to enabling timely patient access to new medicines, and plays a vital role in supporting medicine development for the benefit of patients. The Agency uses a wide range of regulatory mechanisms to achieve these aims, which are continuously reviewed and improved. For more information see:

  • support for early access;
  • scientific advice and protocol assistance;
  • paediatric procedures;
  • scientific support for advanced-therapy medicines;
  • orphan designation of medicines for rare diseases;
  • scientific guidelines on requirements for the quality, safety and efficacy testing of medicines;
  • the Innovation Task Force, a forum for early dialogue with applicants.

EMA plays a role in supporting research and innovation in the pharmaceutical sector, and promotes innovation and development of new medicines by European micro-, small- and medium-sized-enterprises.EMA also has responsibilities for monitoring and mitigating potential or actual shortages of critical medicines caused by major events and in crisis situations.


Domenico Scarlattilaan 6
1083 HS


+31 (0)88 781 6000

Activities in which the organization is active and/or adds value
