


Personalised Implants Closing Event

PI closing event

We are excited to announce, that we will host the Personalised Implants Ecosystem closing event, on 22nd November from 15:00 to 17:00. The location will be announced shortly. 

The 4-years open innovation ecosystem Personalised Implants was initiated to to deliver patient-specific solutions through the joint expertise of its multidisciplinary partners in the optimization of materials, production and processes for implant design and manufacturing. The program started in 2019 with subsidy made available by Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland (SNN), the Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO), with further support from the Province of Groningen and the Municipality of Groningen.

Partners of the ecosystem are the companies Polyvation, Witec Fijn Mechanics, Biomacs, Bether Encapsulates, Smart Polymers, VDL Wientjes, Elbo Technics, Innovizie, EV Biotech and H&P Moulding.

From the UMCG, the departments involved are the 3D Lab and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery (Group Prof. Max Witjes en Dr. Joep Kraeima), Traumasurgery (Group Dr. Frank Ijpma), Biomedical Engineering (Group Dr. Patrick van Rijn) and Medical Biology (Group Prof. Marco Harmsen).

The Biofabrication group of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (Group Dr. Gosia Wlodarczyk-Biegun ) has joined from the University of Groningen together with the Hanzehogeschool of Applied Sciences, Kenniscentrum Biobased Economy with the group of Dr. Jeroen Siebring.

More information about the ecosystem is available on their website.

What to Expect:

Insights: Explore outcomes from five innovation projects funded through our 4-year program, featuring concise 10-minute presentations.

Discussion: Engage in an open discussion session to share thoughts and ideas on the future of MedTech in the region and beyond.

Wrap-up: Discover new MedTech initiatives, followed by closing remarks.

Preliminary Event Schedule:

14:30: Registration en walk-in
15:00: Event Start and Introductions
15:30: Project Presentations
16:20: Open Discussion
16:40: New Initiatives & Closing
17:00: Networking & Drinks

The sponsors of the Personalised Implants Ecosystem: 

November 22, 2023



Stay tuned for location details

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