


(NL): Gamification & Serious gaming

Samenwerking Noord

Let’s play a game! By applying gamification (use of game elements) or using serious gaming you can achieve more than with traditional methods! More enthusiasm, higher involvement, a more positive learning experience, real behavioral change and many other benefits

During this event you will hear why DUO, Xtract, NHL Stenden, Eraneos and other members have chosen gamification or developing serious games. You will not only listen, you will also experience the power of gamification and serious gaming by actively participating. A virtual escape room, a physical serious data game or one of the other games; what do you choose?


  • 1:30 PM Walk-in
  • 2:00 PM Opening by the chairmen
  • 2:05 PM Panel discussion with:
    •  Claudine Koers, Business Development Manager Eraneos/Gaming Works B.V.
    • Jurian Jilderda, Product Owner DUO
    • Michel Wekema, Corporate Officer, Information Security, Province of Groningen
    • Tessa Oosterwijk- Entius, Master student Serious Gaming NHL Stenden
    • Steven de Rooij, Senior Lecturer-Researcher Master Serious Gaming NHL Stenden
    • Arjan van Houwelingen, Lecturer-researcher Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen
  • 2:45 PM Break
  • 3:00 PM Break-out sessions
  • 4:30 PM Recap and conclusion
    • The session supervisors and participants look back on the afternoon.
  • 5:15 PM Drinks


Samenwerking Noord

February 15, 2024



Provinciehuis Groningen

Martinikerkhof 12
9712 JG


Claudine Koers

Jurian Jilderda

Michel Wekema

Tessa Oosterwijk- Entius

Steven de Rooij

Arjan van Houwelingen

Ticket Information

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