


Faculty of Science and Engineering – Research

This photo is from the organization's website.

The Faculty of Science and Engineering harbours a kaleidoscope of disciplines to boost health technology

The faculty of science and engineering (FSE) supported by HTRIC connects scientists, industry and students to develop solutions for more healthy years. We are home to a wide range of disciplines in the exact sciences and in engineering. Researchers focus on fundamental key questions in close collaboration with partners in the industrial and medical worlds. Various research institutes play an essential role in the Health Technology cluster:

Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen (ENTEG)

The institute works on fundamental and engineering research on the development of new and innovative processes and products for a wide range of product sectors. The institute works on the design and analysis of new and often sustainable technologies through the integration of fundamental knowledge into the engineering sciences. The research of ENTEG is conducted in three domains:

  • Green chemical engineering, circular and sustainable product technology
  • Mechanical engineering & robotics technology
  • Optimisation, systems & control technology.

Stratingh Institute for Chemistry

The institute works in the field of molecular and supramolecular chemistry. The focus lies on synthesis, catalysis, functional materials, chemical biology and complex molecular systems. The institute is a world-class centre for green catalysis and molecular motors.

Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (ZIAM)

The strength of the institute lies in combining knowledge from physics, chemistry and biology to develop innovative functional materials. These materials find use in new technologies, such as sensors, soft robotics, and (bio-)medical applications.

Groningen Research Institute of Pharmacy (GRIP)

The focus of the institute lies on innovative medicines and therapies. Their success relies on the ability to bridge the gap between the basic natural sciences and the field of clinical research.

Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

The power of the institute lies in how it combines insights and methods from complementary research paradigms: fundamental and applied science, complexity, data science and modelling. The robotics lab works on systems that collaborate with humans, but that can also interact with their dynamic environment.

Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences (GELIFES)

This institute is characterised by a broad, multidisciplinary research portfolio on the broad topic of adaptation in biological systems, including humans. Technology for human health, such as wearables and smart devices, is being developed in order to monitor behaviour and to change behaviour through instruction or treatment.

Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB)

The institute is world-renowned for its research into a fundamentally better understanding of life from the molecular up to the cellular level and the interaction with the environment. This yields molecular insights that are directly relevant to an improved understanding of various diseases that can be used for biomedical innovations, such as photopharmacology, for the development of small-molecule drugs and enzymes, etc.


Many companies and researchers face the challenge of shelving potentially groundbreaking ideas. Fortunately, FSE and HTRIC are here to help you bring your ideas to life. Backed by a robust background in Science and Engineering, FSE and HTRIC can assist you in articulating your vision and finding optimal solutions.

Within FSE, you’ll discover access to state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge equipment, and a pool of talented students eager to collaborate on research projects. Our dynamic environment fosters collaboration, bridging fundamental scientific principles with real-world applications, particularly in the realm of medical advancements.

The HTRIC cluster is instrumental to FSE for collaborating with the industry, driving innovation, and tackling pressing societal challenges in health technology. As a student, FSE and HTRIC offer an extensive range of internship opportunities, offering hands-on experience with both established companies and dynamic startups across the northern Netherlands.

Whether you’re a seasoned researcher or a budding innovator, our network and resources are here to support your journey towards innovation and discovery. Unlock your potential with FSE and HTRIC today.

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Nijenborgh 7
9747 AG


Matthijs de jong
050 36 34619

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